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As humans, we all have a natural instinct to prepare for the unexpected. Whether it’s packing an umbrella just in case it rains or setting aside some savings for a rainy day, we like to be ready for anything life throws our way.  

When it comes to maritime trade, this preparation comes in the form of a cargo insurance certificate. This certificate protects your cargo from potential maritime dangers like theft, damage, or loss during transit. It’s your safety net, ensuring that even if something goes south, your business does not suffer the financial blow. 

In this blog, we’ll explain what a cargo insurance certificate is, why it’s essential for your business, and how it helps keep your shipments secure.

What is a Cargo Insurance Certificate (CIC)?

A cargo insurance certificate (CIC) is a document that confirms the type and amount of insurance coverage for a specific shipment. It typically includes the name of the insurance provider, the terms under which the cargo is insured, and how claims can be filed if needed.

In many cases, exporters and importers may opt for an "open cover" marine policy, which covers all shipments over a set period, like a year, instead of arranging insurance for each individual shipment. When a specific shipment needs its own proof of coverage, the insurance company issues a cargo insurance certificate under this open cover. 

Although it’s not a stand-alone insurance policy, the certificate represents the coverage in place and is essential for filing any claims related to the shipment.

If something goes wrong and you need to file a claim, you’ll need the original Cargo Insurance Certificate to prove that your cargo was insured. This system simplifies things for exporters and importers by offering continuous coverage, so there’s no need to arrange a new policy for each shipment.

Also Read: Import And Export Services: Basic Guidelines And Procedures

What are the Main Uses of a Cargo Insurance Certificate?

A Cargo Insurance Certificate (CIC) serves multiple important functions in shipping. Here’s a breakdown of its main uses:

Proof of Coverage

The CIC acts as proof that your cargo is insured, allowing both you and the recipient to rest easy, knowing that if anything goes wrong during transit, the cargo is financially protected.

Claim Support

We all know that the ocean can be pretty unpredictable. In case something goes wrong during transit—whether it’s an unexpected delay, contamination, robbery or physical damage—the CIC is essential for filing a claim and securing the compensation.

Fulfillment of Letter of Credit Requirements

In international trade, a CIC is often required to satisfy the conditions of a letter of credit. Buyers, customs authorities or banks typically need assurance that the cargo is insured, and the CIC provides that proof. Without it, the conditions of the letter of credit may not be met, which could lead to delays in payment or shipping.

Trust Building

For the consignee, a CIC demonstrates that the shipper has taken all the necessary steps to safeguard the cargo, which establishes trust throughout the transaction. After all, isn’t trust the key to long-lasting business success?

Legal Compliance

In many countries, having insurance coverage for cargo is a legal requirement, and the CIC serves as an official document to meet these legal obligations. This way, your shipments will be compliant with local and international regulations.

Simplifying Insurance Management

When using an open policy, the CIC allows you to easily manage coverage for multiple shipments without the need for individual policies each time.

Enhancing Credibility with Partners

Presenting a CIC to clients or partners will show that your business takes precautionary measures seriously. This can improve your reputation and credibility within the industry and make you a more reliable partner to work with.

Also Read: What Is Letter Of Credit In Export Import Business?

Issuance of Cargo Insurance Certificates

Cargo Insurance Certificates are typically issued by either the insurance company or a broker who handles the policy. 

The issuance process starts with the assured party (the person or business shipping the goods) providing the necessary details about the shipment, such as the value of the cargo, the type of goods, and the destination. Once this information is received, the insurer or broker prepares the certificate.

These certificates come in two common formats: PDF for easy digital access or traditional paper copies.  However, structured data exchange for these documents is still limited because there are not many platforms that can handle this process efficiently. 

What Are the Differences Between an Insurance Policy and an Insurance Certificate?

An insurance policy is a formal contract between the shipper and the insurance company, offering coverage for either a single shipment or multiple shipments under an open policy. 

On the other hand, an insurance certificate is a document issued for each shipment under an open policy, serving as proof that the specific shipment is insured.

The difference between an insurance policy and an insurance certificate mainly comes into play when dealing with letter of credit (L/C) payments. 

According to L/C rules, an insurance policy can be used instead of an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open policy. However, the reverse cannot be done.

So, if you're not working with a letter of credit, there’s essentially no difference between an insurance policy and an insurance certificate. But suppose a letter of credit is involved. In that case, you must be mindful that while an insurance policy is accepted in place of a certificate, the certificate cannot replace a policy. 

Key Information Included in a Cargo Insurance Certificate

Both insurance policy and insurance certificate should have identical information, such as:

  • Terms of Insurance and Additional Risks Covered
  • Amount of Insurance Premium
  • Shipment Details: Information like the port of loading and discharge, vessel name, voyage number, and a detailed description of the goods being shipped.
  • Insurance Company’s Agent at the Port of Destination
  • Currency of the Insurance Cover
  • Cover Amount
  • Claim Procedures and Required Documents: A list of procedures for filing a claim, along with the necessary documents, typically includes:some text
    • Commercial invoice
    • Bill of lading or shipping document
    • Survey report or damage report
    • Any other relevant supporting documents

This information ensures that all parties have clear details about the coverage and how to handle any claims if needed.

Also Read: How To Make Bill Of Lading? Best Tips, Simple Guide

Legal Framework for Insurance Certificates

The Insurance Certificate is a crucial part of the legal and regulatory framework governing international trade.  

While the legal recognition and negotiability of the insurance certificate may differ from one country to another, it adheres to established international trade practices.  Although there are no specific global rules for its use, important frameworks like the ICC Uniform Rules for Documentary Credits (UCP) and Incoterms® still refer to these documents, highlighting their importance in international trade.

In short, the insurance certificate not only ensures financial protection for your goods but also helps you navigate legal and regulatory complexities so that you can work without any worries.

Secure Global Shipments with Pazago

With millions of dollars at stake with every shipment, your business can’t afford delays or uncertainties. While it’s impossible to avoid the risks that come with shipping—whether it’s damage, theft, rough seas, or unforeseen delays—you can protect your cargo with the right insurance. That’s where Pazago steps in to help.

Why should you consider securing your cargo with Pazago?

  • Partnering with ICICI Lombard, Pazago offers robust cargo insurance that keeps your goods protected from departure to destination.
  • There’s no need to worry about piles of paperwork. Pazago’s fully digital system streamlines the entire process, making it easy for you to get the coverage you need without the hassle. 
  • And if something does go wrong, Pazago’s seamless claims process ensures you’ll be back on track in no time. 

With Pazago, your shipments are always in safe hands, covered by trusted insurance and supported by efficient digital solutions.

Protect What Matters – Get Cargo Insurance with Pazago Now

Why Choose Pazago?

Pazago doesn't stop at insurance. It goes several steps further and covers all aspects of your import-export operations. Here’s what Pazago comes with: 

Efficient Global Payments: Pazago helps with fast and secure international payments and provides the lowest Forex rates.

Seamless Cross-Border Logistics: Pazago partners with top shipping lines and carriers to provide reliable, cost-effective logistics. You can count on timely and safe delivery, whether by ocean or inland transport.

Hassle-Free Customs Clearance: Navigate customs regulations easily with accurate paperwork and timely processing so that there are no delays at the border.

Increased Efficiency in Trade Operations: Simplify your workflow by cutting out unnecessary paperwork and centralising critical information for faster purchase order handling.

Centralised Document Creation and Management: With Pazago, you can easily create and manage key trade documents like quotations and proforma invoices. Plus, you can store everything in one place with organised, structured folders for quick and efficient access.

Real-Time Cargo Tracking: Keep an eye on your shipment 24/7, knowing exactly where it is at any moment during transit.

Pazago streamlines every aspect of your import-export operations, ensuring smooth supply chain management while effortlessly scaling alongside your business growth.


With a cargo insurance certificate, you tick all the right boxes:

✔️Coverage from maritime risks – Your cargo is protected from the perils of the sea.
✔️Compliance guaranteed – Meet all legal and regulatory requirements.
✔️Simplified claims handling – Hassle-free claims when something goes wrong.
✔️Stress-free working– Ship with confidence and peace of mind.

Pazago streamlines your entire shipping process. Whether it’s secure payments, efficient logistics, or keeping tabs on your cargo 24/7, Pazago has got you covered. Trust Pazago to simplify your operations and keep your shipments safe from start to finish!

Secure Every Mile of the Journey – Choose Pazago for Complete Protection!

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