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Navigating the world of international trade can be tough for Indian exporters, with numerous rules and regulations to follow. One key document that can make things easier is the Letter of Undertaking. 

A LUT allows exporters to send goods and services abroad without paying the Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) upfront, easing their financial burden and helping them compete globally.

An LUT is a promise from the exporter to adhere to GST regulations while exporting. By providing this declaration, exporters assure the government that they will comply with all the necessary conditions, ensuring smooth and transparent operations. 

This not only saves money but also simplifies the administrative process.

In this blog, we'll discuss the importance of LUT, how to apply for it, and its benefits to Indian exporters. By understanding the LUT, exporters can make their international trade operations smoother and more cost-effective.

Understanding the Letter of Undertaking (LUT) and Its Importance in Export Trade

A Letter of Undertaking (LUT) is a critical document for Indian exporters. It simplifies the export process under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. 

An LUT allows exporters to ship goods and services overseas without the immediate burden of paying the Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST). 

This provision is designed to ease financial strain and promote competitiveness in the global market. By submitting an LUT, exporters promise to comply with all GST regulations, ensuring smooth and transparent export operations.

How LUT Facilitates Tax Savings on IGST for Exporters

One of the primary advantages of an LUT is its role in facilitating tax savings for exporters. Without a LUT, exporters would need to pay IGST upfront and then seek a refund, tying up significant amounts of capital. 

Exporters might improve cash flow and ease financial strain by employing an LUT to avoid this initial tax payment. This technique is helpful for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) that lack the funds to cover sizable upfront tax payments.

By employing an LUT, exporters might improve cash flow and ease their financial strain. For guidance on leveraging LUT effectively, consult Pazago’s experts.

Overview of LUT Under the CGST Act, 2017 for Exporting Goods Without Paying IGST

The Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Act, 2017 governs the LUT. Under this act, exporters can apply for an LUT to export goods and services without paying IGST. The application process involves submitting specific forms and declarations to the GST authorities, demonstrating the exporter’s commitment to complying with GST regulations. 

Once approved, the LUT remains valid for the financial year, allowing the exporter to conduct multiple transactions without the hassle of repeated tax payments.

What is a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) in GST?

For Indian exporters, navigating the complex landscape of international trade often involves dealing with significant tax obligations. 

One crucial mechanism that offers financial relief and operational efficiency is the Letter of Undertaking (LUT). 

Thanks to this document, exporters can ship products and services overseas without worrying about paying the Integrated Products and Services Tax (IGST) up front, which is essential under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. 

Understanding the LUT, its requirements, and its benefits can significantly enhance the efficiency of export operations. 

Let's explore what an LUT entails, why it is essential, and how exporters can utilize it effectively.

Understanding LUT: IGST Exemption for Exporters

A Letter of Undertaking (LUT) is a crucial document under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime in India, allowing exporters to ship goods and services without paying the Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) upfront. Here’s a closer look at what a LUT entails:

  • Formal Declaration: An LUT is an assurance by the exporter to the government, promising to comply with all GST rules and regulations.
  • IGST Exemption: By submitting an LUT, exporters can export goods and services without the financial burden of paying IGST at the time of export.

Mandatory Requirement: Furnishing LUT on the GST Portal

Exporters must furnish an LUT to avail of the IGST exemption. The process involves:

  • Online Submission: Exporters must submit the LUT through the GST portal by filling out specific forms and providing the necessary details.
  • Approval Validity: Once approved, the LUT is valid for the entire financial year, allowing multiple export transactions without repeated approvals.

Benefits of Using a Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

Benefits of Using a Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

Here are some benefits of using a Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

Facilitates Exports Without the Immediate Tax Burden

One of the primary benefits of using a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) is that it allows exporters to ship goods and services without paying the Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) upfront. 

This immediate tax exemption helps improve cash flow and reduces the financial strain on exporters, enabling them to manage their resources more effectively. 

By avoiding needing IGST during export, businesses can invest their capital in other critical areas, such as production, marketing, and expansion.

Enables Deferred Tax Payment and Avoidance of Bank Guarantees

With a LUT, exporters can defer their tax payments, significantly aiding financial planning and liquidity management. This deferral means that exporters do not need to tie up their funds in IGST payments at the point of export, providing them greater flexibility in managing their finances. 

Additionally, a LUT eliminates the need for exporters to furnish bank guarantees, which are typically required to claim IGST refunds. 

This reduction in the requirement for collateral further eases the financial burden on exporters, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Provides Tax Relief and Simplifies Procedural Requirements

Using a LUT provides substantial tax relief by eliminating the need to pay IGST on each export consignment. 

This exemption saves money and simplifies the administrative process, as exporters do not have to undergo the procedural requirements and paperwork associated with tax payments and refunds for every shipment. 

The LUT saves exporters time and effort by simplifying these processes, which helps them comply with regulatory requirements. These procedures are related to taxes.

By avoiding needing IGST during export, businesses can invest their capital in other critical areas. Pazago can help ensure your funds are used most efficiently.

Eligibility Criteria for a Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

To benefit from the IGST exemption provided by a Letter of Undertaking (LUT), exporters must meet specific eligibility criteria established under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. 

Exporters who want to maximize the benefits of a LUT and expedite their processes must comprehend these requirements. 

Here, we break down the essential requirements and considerations for obtaining an LUT.

Requirements for a Registered Taxpayer Under GST

The exporter must be a registered taxpayer under the GST regime to be eligible for an LUT. 

This means the business must have a valid GST Identification Number (GSTIN) and comply with all the registration requirements per GST laws. 

Being a registered taxpayer ensures that the GST authorities recognize the business and is subject to regular tax compliance and reporting obligations. 

This registration is a prerequisite for applying for an LUT and accessing the associated benefits.

Exclusions Based on Tax Evasion History

Exclusions Based on Tax Evasion History

Exporters with a history of significant tax evasion are excluded from applying for an LUT. 

Specifically, any exporter who has been prosecuted for any offense under GST laws involving an amount exceeding Rs. 250 lakh (Rs. 2.5 crore) is not eligible to apply. 

This exclusion ensures that only compliant and trustworthy businesses can take advantage of the IGST exemption, thereby maintaining the tax system's integrity and preventing misuse of the LUT provisions. Exporters must have a clean track record with no significant tax violations to qualify.

Considerations Such as Intent to Export and Compliance with Tax Obligations

Another critical aspect of eligibility for a LUT is the exporter’s intent to export and compliance with existing tax obligations. 

The exporter must intend to engage in export activities and provide the necessary documentation to support their application. 

Additionally, they must comply with all GST filing and payment requirements, ensuring their tax records are up-to-date and accurate. 

To receive and keep the advantages of an LUT, exporters must comply with tax responsibilities, which demonstrate their commitment to following GST laws and regulations.

Documents Required to File a Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

Filing a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) is critical for exporters who wish to benefit from IGST exemption under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. 

All the necessary documents must be in place to ensure a smooth application process. This section outlines the essential documents required to file an LUT, helping exporters prepare adequately and avoid delays.

Pazago assists you in filing your documents and ensuring they get approved. Additionally, the Pazago portal allows you to store all your documents in one app, making the entire process more streamlined and efficient.

PAN Card, IEC Certificate, GST Registration Certificate

PAN Card, IEC Certificate, GST Registration Certificate

The first set of essential documents includes identification and registration certificates. These are:

  • PAN Card: The Permanent Account Number (PAN) card is a crucial identification document for the business. It is required for all tax-related transactions and serves as a primary identifier for the exporter.
  • IEC Certificate: The Importer Exporter Code (IEC) certificate is mandatory for any business engaged in export or import activities in India. It is issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and must be submitted as part of the LUT application.
  • GST Registration Certificate: The GST registration certificate confirms that the business is a registered taxpayer under the GST regime. This certificate is essential to prove the exporter’s compliance with GST laws.

Proof of Fulfillment of Eligibility Criteria

Proof of Fulfillment of Eligibility Criteria

Certain proofs and declarations are required to ensure that the exporter meets all eligibility criteria for an LUT. These include:

  • Clean Tax Record: Evidence that the exporter has not been prosecuted for any offense under GST laws involving an amount exceeding Rs. 250 lakh (Rs. 2.5 crore). This may include a self-declaration or a certificate from the GST authorities.
  • Export Intent Documentation: Proof of the exporter’s intent to engage in export activities, such as contracts, purchase orders, or invoices related to export transactions.

List of Additional Documents: Aadhar Card, GST RFD 11 Form, and KYC of Authorized Signatory

Additional documents that support the LUT application process include:

  • Aadhar Card: The Aadhar card of the authorized signatory is required for identity verification and as part of the Know Your Customer (KYC) process.
  • GST RFD 11 Form: This form is designed explicitly for filing an LUT under GST. It must be filled out accurately and submitted along with the other documents.
  • KYC of Authorized Signatory: Know Your Customer (KYC) documents for the authorized signatory, such as a passport, voter ID, or driver’s license, are necessary to verify the identity and authority of the person submitting the LUT application.

Step-by-Step Process to File a Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

Step-by-Step Process to File a Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

Filing a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) under the GST regime is essential for exporters seeking an exemption from paying IGST on their exports. 

Understanding the step-by-step process ensures that the application is filed correctly and efficiently. Below is a detailed guide to help exporters navigate the LUT filing process.

Accessing the GST Portal for the LUT Application

The first step in filing an LUT is to access the GST portal, the official online platform for GST-related activities. Here’s how to get started:

  • Visit the GST Portal: Open your web browser and navigate to the official GST portal 
  • Login Credentials: To log-in into your account, use your GSTIN (GST Identification Number) and password. Ensure that your login credentials are current to avoid any access issues.

Steps from Logging In to Submission of the LUT Form

Once logged in, follow these steps to complete and submit the LUT form:

  1. Navigate to the LUT Application: Go to the “Services” tab on the main menu after logging in. Under “Services,” select “User Services” and then click on “Furnish Letter of Undertaking (LUT).”
  2. Select the Financial Year: Choose the financial year you file the LUT. This step is crucial as the LUT is valid only for the selected financial year.
  3. Fill Out the LUT Form: The GST RFD-11 form will appear. Fill in all the required details accurately, including business information, GSTIN, and details of the authorized signatory.
  4. Upload Supporting Documents: Attach the necessary documents, such as the PAN card, IEC certificate, GST registration certificate, and any other required proofs.
  5. Digital Signatures: Once all the details are filled in and documents uploaded, the form needs to be signed digitally. Use the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) or E-Signature of the authorized signatory to sign the form.
  6. Submit the Form: After signing, review all the details carefully to ensure accuracy. Click on the “Submit” button to complete the filing process.

Importance of Accurate Filling and Digital Signatures

Accurate filling of the LUT form and proper submission with digital signatures are critical for a successful application. Here’s why:

  • Avoiding Errors: Ensure all details are correct to prevent the rejection of your application. More information is needed to avoid delays and may require resubmission.
  • Legal Compliance: Digital signatures authenticate the application, providing a legal acknowledgment that the details submitted are accurate and verified. This step ensures that the application is valid and legally binding.
  • Efficient Processing: The GST authorities process accurate and complete applications more quickly, enabling exporters to take advantage of the LUT's benefits without unnecessary delays.

Components and Format of a Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

When filing a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) under the GST regime, it is essential to understand the components and format required for a successful application. 

A well-prepared LUT ensures compliance with GST regulations and facilitates the IGST exemption for exporters. Below is a detailed guide on an LUT's key components and format requirements.

Essential Details to Include in the LUT

The LUT must contain specific information to meet the requirements set by the GST authorities. These details include:

  • Exporter’s Information: This includes the exporting business's name, address, and GSTIN (GST Identification Number). Accurate and complete information is crucial for identification and verification purposes.
  • Details of Exported Goods: Provide a clear description of the exported goods or services. This should include the nature of goods, quantity, value, and any relevant HS codes (Harmonized System codes) for classification.
  • Declaration: The LUT must include a formal statement by the exporter, assuring compliance with all GST regulations. This declaration states that the exporter will fulfill all stipulated conditions within the specified timeframe.

Specifying the Financial Period and Transaction Details

An essential aspect of the LUT is specifying the financial period and details of the transactions covered under the LUT. This involves:

  • Financial Period: Mention the financial year for which the LUT is being filed. The LUT is valid for one financial year; specifying this period is crucial for regulatory purposes.
  • Transaction Specifications: Include details of the export transactions covered under the LUT. This can involve multiple shipments and transactions within the financial year. Ensure all relevant transactions are accurately documented.

Format Requirements and Use of Official Letterhead

The format of the LUT must adhere to the guidelines provided by the GST authorities. Key format requirements include:

  • Official Letterhead: The LUT should be prepared on the exporting business's official letterhead. This adds authenticity and ensures that the document is recognized as an official communication from the company.
  • Structured Layout: Follow a structured format as prescribed by the GST authorities. This typically includes sections for business information, details of goods/services, the declaration, and signatures.
  • Digital Signatures: The LUT must be digitally signed by the authorized signatory. Using a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) or E-Signature ensures the document’s validity and legal compliance.

Renewal, Compliance, and Common Challenges of Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

Renewal, Compliance, and Common Challenges of Letter of Undertaking (LUT)

Maintaining an active Letter of Undertaking (LUT) is crucial for exporters under the GST regime. 

This section covers the renewal process, the importance of compliance, and common challenges exporters might face, along with recommendations for overcoming these challenges effectively.

Understanding the Renewal Process and Yearly Validity

An LUT is valid for one financial year, necessitating timely renewal to continue benefiting from the IGST exemption. The renewal process involves:

  • Timely Application: Before the current fiscal year ends, exporters must reapply for the LUT. To prevent a validity lapse, it is best to begin the renewal process well in advance.
  • Re-submission of Documents: The renewal application requires the same set of documents as the initial application, including updated business information, proof of compliance, and any additional declarations.
  • Approval Confirmation: Once the renewal application is submitted, the GST authorities will review and approve it, ensuring the LUT’s validity for the upcoming financial year.

Consequences of Non-Compliance and Handling Common Challenges

Non-compliance with the LUT regulations can lead to severe consequences for exporters. It’s essential to understand these potential pitfalls and how to address common challenges:

  • Consequences of Non-Compliance: Failing to comply with the terms of the LUT can result in penalties, interest on unpaid IGST, and even the revocation of the LUT. Exporters must adhere strictly to all conditions outlined in the LUT.
  • Approval Delays: Delays in LUT approval can disrupt export operations, leading to financial and operational setbacks. Common causes include incomplete documentation, discrepancies in the application, or delays from the GST authorities.
  • Handling Delays: To mitigate delays, ensure all submitted documents are accurate and complete. Regularly follow up with the GST authorities and keep track of the application status through the GST portal.

Recommendations for Timely Renewal and Document Review

Proactive measures can help exporters avoid common challenges and ensure smooth LUT operations. Here are some recommendations:

  • Start Early: Begin the renewal process well before the current LUT’s expiry to allow ample time for approval. This proactive approach prevents any gaps and invalidity.
  • Thorough Document Review: Carefully review all documents before submission to ensure accuracy and completeness. This includes verifying business information, export transaction details, and compliance declarations.
  • Maintain Compliance: Consistently adhere to all GST regulations and LUT conditions. Regularly update records and documentation to reflect any changes in business operations or export activities.
  • Regular Follow-ups: Stay in contact with the GST authorities during the application process. Regular follow-ups can expedite approvals and address any issues promptly.

Renewal, Compliance, and Common Challenges

Renewal, Compliance, and Common Challenges

Maintaining an active Letter of Undertaking (LUT) is essential for exporters under the GST regime to continue enjoying the benefits of IGST exemption. 

This section explores the renewal process, non-compliance implications, common challenges exporters face, and practical recommendations for timely renewal and accurate documentation.

The Renewal Process and Yearly Validity

An LUT is valid for one financial year, after which it must be renewed to ensure uninterrupted export operations without IGST payments. Here’s a detailed look at the renewal process:

  • Timely Application: Exporters must apply for renewal before the expiry of the current financial year. It is advisable to start the process a few months in advance to ensure the validity is maintained.
  • Document Re-submission: Similar to the initial application, the renewal process requires re-submitting all necessary documents. This includes updated business information, proof of compliance with GST laws, and any additional declarations as needed.
  • Approval and Confirmation: Once the renewal application is submitted, the GST authorities will review and approve it, extending the LUT’s validity for the upcoming financial year.

Consequences of Non-Compliance and Handling Common Challenges

Non-compliance with LUT regulations can lead to significant penalties and operational disruptions. Understanding the potential consequences and common challenges can help mitigate risks:

  • Consequences of Non-Compliance: Exporters who fail to comply with the terms of the LUT may face penalties, interest on unpaid IGST, and even revocation of the LUT. Ensuring strict adherence to all conditions is crucial to avoid these consequences.
  • Common Challenges: One of the most common challenges exporters face is approval delays, which can disrupt export operations. Delays may occur due to incomplete documentation, discrepancies in the application, or slow processing by GST authorities.
  • Handling Approval Delays: To handle delays effectively, exporters should ensure that all submitted documents are complete and accurate. Regular follow-ups with GST authorities and tracking the application status on the GST portal can help expedite approval.

Recommendations for Timely Renewal and Accurate Document Review

Proactive measures can help exporters manage their LUTs efficiently and avoid common pitfalls. Here are some key recommendations:

  • Early Renewal Initiatives: Begin the renewal process well before the current LUT’s expiry date to ensure ample approval time and prevent any validity lapses.
  • Thorough Document Review: Before submission, conduct a meticulous review of all documents. This includes verifying business details, export transaction information, and compliance declarations to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Maintaining Compliance: Consistently adhere to all GST regulations and LUT conditions. Regularly update records and documentation to reflect business operations or export activities changes.
  • Regular Follow-ups: Maintain regular communication with GST authorities during the application process. Frequent follow-ups can address any issues promptly and expedite the approval process.


Understanding the complexity of global trade can be difficult for Indian exporters, but under the GST regime, a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) can make it much more manageable. You may optimize your cash flow and export operations by comprehending LUT's features, advantages, and application and renewal procedures.

At Pazago, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Whether you need assistance with your LUT application, renewal or ensuring compliance with GST regulations, our team of experts is ready to support you. Let us simplify your export process so you can focus on growing your business.

Ready to make your international trade journey smoother and more successful? Contact us at Pazago today!

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