Imagine you're at the airport, ready to fly to your dream destination. Now, imagine doing that without a passport. That's what diving into international trade without an AD code is like. 

An AD code is your business's passport, visa, and boarding pass; all rolled into one when clearing customs. And you will need to keep in handy a few documents required for Ad code registration!

But before you understand the documents required for AD code registration, it’s only logical that you familiarize yourself with what an Ad code truly is!

An AD Code, or Authorized Dealer Code, is a unique number assigned to you by your bank. This number is your identity in the eyes of customs authorities and banks across the globe. It doesn't just sit pretty on your documents; it works hard to ensure your transactions in foreign currency are above board and transparent.

But why does this matter, you might wonder? Well, it's because this number is your golden key to the door of international trade.

  • It's linked to your bank and is essential for all your transactions that cross international lines
  • It ensures that your money moves safely and lands exactly where it needs to be. It tells customs and financial institutions, "Hey, I'm here, and I'm legitimate."

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Purpose of AD Code in International Trade

Here's a little secret: without the AD code, dipping your toes into the waters of global trade might be more of a fantasy than a reality. This code plays a pivotal role in keeping an eye on your foreign currency transactions. Whether you're importing machinery from Germany or exporting spices to the US, the AD code ensures that every penny moving across borders is accounted for.

Let’s have a look at some crucial purposes that AD code serves.

Monitoring and Managing Foreign Currency Trades

  • Traceability: With an AD code, every transaction is traceable. This means easier audits and peace of mind knowing that your business complies with international standards
  • Security: It adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that your hard-earned money doesn't end up in the wrong hands

Carrying Out Smooth Customs Clearance and Global Trade Activities

Here's the thing – without AD code registration, your goods might as well take an extended vacation at the customs. This code is your pass for a smooth clearance process, proving you're all set on the financial front.

  • Efficiency: The AD code streamlines the process, making sure your goods move through customs as smoothly as a hot knife through butter
  • Compliance: It ensures your business complies with global trade regulations, reducing the risk of delays or penalties

Also Read: Decoding the Customs Act 1962: A Comprehensive Guide

Documents Required for AD Code Registration

Documents Required for AD Code Registration

Getting your goods moving through customs means having a stack of specific documents required for AD code registration ready. 

Here's a detailed rundown of what you'll need:

  • Bank authorization letter: This is your green light from the bank, confirming their partnership with you
  • AD code authorization letters by the Bank, Exporter (which is you), and Customs Broker: Triple confirmation from your bank, yourself, and your customs broker sets the stage for your international trade activities
  • GST registration certificate: Proof that you're registered under the Goods and Services Tax
  • Import-export code license: This license is your ID in the international market, allowing you to buy and sell goods across borders
  • PAN card of the company or partnership entity: Your business's tax number, a crucial identifier in all financial transactions
  • Copy of PAN Card of authorized signatory: To verify the identity of the person authorized to act on behalf of the business
  • Export house certificate and manufacturing license: Special documents that elevate your status or permit specific types of manufacturing for export
  • Identification documents of the directors or partners: A must-have to confirm the identities of the people steering the ship
  • Canceled cheque: A simple but essential piece of banking documentation, adding an extra layer of financial verification
  • Board resolution for companies: This document shows that your company's board has officially agreed upon the move to register an AD code
  • Application form for AD code registration: The form kicks off the entire process, officially requesting your AD code
  • Class 3 digital signature: An advanced digital signature for ensuring the utmost security and authenticity of your electronic documents

Collecting the documents required for AD code registration might feel like a quest, but with Pazago, you can generate many such crucial documents. Our portal will help you create, find, manage, and collaborate on all critical files when you need them, where you need them. Talk to our experts today.

Also Read: Understanding the Applicability and Exemptions of GST on Ocean Freight

Additional Requirements for Specific Registrations

AD code registration goes beyond collecting certain documents. You also need to know how and where to get the AD code for your business. We have created this bonus section so AD code registration doesn't feel daunting.

Unique AD Code for Every Port via the ICEGATE Portal

Each port where you plan to send or receive goods must have its own AD code. This might sound like extra steps, but it's essential for a smooth operation. The Indian Customs Electronic Gateway, or ICEGATE, is your platform for making this happen.

How Do You register on ICEGATE for each port and AD code?

The Indian Customs Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange (EC/EDI) Gateway, better known as ICEGATE, is the bridge to smooth international trade operations. Here's a step-by-step guide to get your AD code up and running on this essential platform.

  • Access ICEGATE: Start by navigating to the ICEGATE portal. This website is your starting line for AD code registration
  • Log In or Sign Up: If you're new to ICEGATE, you'll need to create an account. Existing users can simply log in with their credentials
  • Find the AD Code Registration Option: Within the portal, look for the option to register an AD code
  • Enter Your Details: Fill in the required fields with accurate information about your business. This step is crucial for a smooth registration process
  • Upload all the documents required for AD code registration: Refer to the previously mentioned list of documents required for AD code registration and upload them here
  • Submit and Verify OTP: After submission, you'll receive an OTP on your registered mobile number or email. Enter this OTP to verify your submission
  • Confirmation: Once verified, you'll receive a confirmation of your AD code registration. Keep this confirmation for your records

Requirement to Register Each Port Location Separately for Imports

If your business involves importing goods through multiple ports, each port needs its own AD code registration. This may seem like a repetitive process, but it's essential for:

  • Ensuring compliance with customs regulations at each port
  • Streamlining the clearance process for your imports
  • Keeping track of your shipments more efficiently

Repeat the registration process for each port where you plan to import goods. This detailed approach helps minimize delays and ensures that your business operations run smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What documents do I need for AD Code registration?

Here’s the comprehensive list of documents required for AD code registration:

  • Bank authorization letter
  • Bank AD code authorization letter
  • Exporter's and Customs Broker's Letter
  • GST registration certificate
  • Import-Export code license
  • PAN card of the company or partnership entity
  • Copy of PAN Card of authorized signatory
  • Export house certificate and manufacturing license
  • Identification documents of the directors or partners
  • Bank Certificate with the AD Code
  • Canceled Cheque
  • Board Resolution for Companies
  • Application Form for AD Code Registration

How long does the registration process take?

Typically, the process can take from a few days to a couple of weeks after you submit the documents required for AD code registration. The time largely depends on the accuracy of your submitted documents and the specific requirements of the port where you're registering.

Can I submit the documents required for AD code registration online?

Yes, the entire process can be completed online via the ICEGATE portal. This includes document submission, form filling, and even verification through OTP.

What if my business details change? 

It's important to keep your AD code information up to date. If your business details, like address or bank information, change, you need to update your AD code registration through the ICEGATE portal.

How do I update my AD code details?

Log into the ICEGATE website and navigate to the section for AD code details. From there, you can submit the updated information and relevant documents required for AD code registration to reflect your business's changes.


Trying to get your goods through customs without an AD code is like trying to slice a tomato with a spoon – frustrating and nearly impossible. There's no shade of doubt that AD code registration is crucial. Every document you gather and submit breathes life into this process, proving your business's legitimacy and readiness for the global stage.

Remember, securing an AD code is a vital step in safeguarding your transactions and smoothing your path through customs. 

As you prepare to apply for AD code registration, explore Pazago Portal, which will help you generate all the critical documents required. Book a call with our experts today!

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